Brighton Hill Community School, Brighton Way, Basingstoke, RG22 4HS
01256 350606
© 2021
From September 2022, we will be running a series of 'Parent Collaboration' evenings with the aim of developing the partnership that we have with our parents, further informing you about different aspects of the curriculum and other key aspects of school life. These evenings will largely be held on Teams at 6pm to maximise ease of attendance for parents, although some will be held in-person if deemed beneficial. Details, timings and invitations for each of these events will be sent out separately in the weeks leading up to each event.
Parent Collaboration Events will take place on the following dates:
For those of you unable to make the Parent Collaboration Evenings, please find below the PowerPoints and/or recordings for each event.
My World and RSE Evening presentation
My World and RSE Evening presentation video
Home learning presentation video
Progress and process presentation
Yr 7 Parent Information Evening presentation
Yr 7 Parent Information Evening video
Yr 11 Information Evening presentation
Careers Programme Overview presentation
Careers Programme Overview video
Literacy across the Curriculum presentation
Literacy across the Curriculum video
My World (Values) Curriculum RSE presentation
My World (Values) Curriculum RSE video
Year 7 Parent Collaboration Information Evening presentation
Year 10 Parent Evening presentation
Year 8 Information Evening presentation
Year 9 Parent Information Collaboration Evening presentation
My World (Values) Curriculum Collaboration Evening presentation
My World (Values) Curriculum Collaboration Evening